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Hifz classes for children in London

Quran Syllabus
Hifth Syllabus
Deen Studies Syllabus
Mens & Ladies Lectures
Quranic memorisation classes for children
Yaqeen Academy runs hifz (Quran memorisation) classes weekly every Saturday morning between 10am to 1pm during term time. Students are given personalised targets for homework each week depending on their individual goals and fluency in recitation.
Why should I study Hifz (Quran Memorisation)?
We are one of the few Saturday schools offering Hifdh as a stand-alone subject. Whether you are starting off your hifz journey with the 3 quls, or doing hifz of juz amma, or aiming for the whole Quran, we think studying hifz is very important as evidenced by the following hadith:
What is the reward of doing Hifz:
Al Tirmidhi (2914) & Abu Dawood (1464) narrated from Abdullah Ibn Amr that the Prophet ﷺ said: “It will be said to the companions of the Quran: Recite and rise in status, recite as you used to recite in the world, for your status will be the last verse that you recite.”
What are the benefits of studying hifz:
This is a progressive programme of individual Quran memorisation. It is aimed at students from the age of 4 years to 16 years old but can be utilised by students of any age. It provides a strong foundation for continued memorisation and the understanding of the Quran. Our hifz teachers in London will ensure that memorisation is taught using tried and tested techniques, while incorporating games and competitions to incentivise and motivate the students to learn more. The programme will include Tafseer, the explanation of the Quranic meaning and context of revelation. This really brings the study of the Quran to life and engages the student completely. To find out more on our hifz classes in London, make sure to enrol and experience our method of teaching.
How are the Hifz Classes taught?
The hifdh lessons are taught in small class sizes which are divided into smaller groups, headed by dedicated hifz tutors. After an initial assessment, the hifdh programme is tailored to each student.
Small groups mean the teacher can give extra support and help to each student where needed, closely monitoring progress. Memorising in groups with other children who are at the same level creates healthy competition and encouragement from their peers.
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