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How to start reading the Quran - A guide for beginners

The Quran is the holiest book for Muslims, and is the guide by which Muslims aim to live their lives by. However, especially for non-Arab Muslims who make up the majority of the ummah today, it can be difficult to know how to access the Quran and its meanings. Therefore, being able to read the Quran, even as a non-native Arabic speaker, is crucial to begin reading the Quran and the different surahs within it. Explore our guide on how you can start your journey with the Quran.

Intention for reading the Quran

Before beginning your journey, it is important to be clear in your intention (niyah) for why you want to read the Quran. Understanding that the Quran is a gift from Allah, and the immense blessings it holds for all people of all different backgrounds, will help to sharpen your goals for wanting to read the Quran. Ultimately, it will help you to stay motivated and remain consistent throughout your journey, withstanding the inevitable challenges that you will experience.  Below are some points to consider to when making an intention for reading the Quran: 1. To increase us in reward and good deeds.

2. To fill our heart with imaan and taqwa.

3. To intercede for us on the Day of Judgement.

4. To be a source of shifa for us, from illness and disease.

5. To be a source of guidance and salvation for us.

Learning to recite the Quran with tajweed

When reading the book of Allah, we should strive to ensure we read it with the correct pronunciation. This will allow us to not only connect more with the Quran, but also to not inadvertently change the meaning of the Quran by reciting words incorrectly. There are various resources available for learning to recite the Quran with tajweed, for those who are already familiar with the Arabic alphabet, and also for those who are completely new to the language. A popular book which is used by beginners is the ‘Graded Steps’ books, which are used in our Quran classes here at Yaqeen Academy.

Which surah should I begin reciting first?

There are no set surahs that you have to start reading first, but the most popular choice would be Surah Fatiha, as this is the surah all Muslims recite in their daily prayers. As such, it is important to ensure you recite this correctly, with the right tajweed, and also understand the meaning of the surah. Thereafter, you can explore the short surahs in Juzz Amma (30th chapter), such as Surah Ikhlas, Surah Nas, Surah Falaq and beyond. Below are some popular short surahs you can begin reciting today: 1. Surah Fatiha - the beginning surah of the Quran, essentially a dua we make to Allah for guidance

2. Surah Ikhlas - reinforces the concept of tawheed, and the oneness of Allah

3. Surah Nas - seeking refuge from Allah from the influence of shaytaan’s evil

4. Surah Falaq - once more, seeking protection from evil

5. Surah Kawthar - outlines the abundant blessings of Allah

What are the etiquettes of reading the Quran?

Reciting the Quran should not be something that is performed without thought or due care, rather it is a noble act which is accorded its due rights and correct mannerisms. Below are the main etiquettes to bare in mind when starting to read the Quran: 1. Being in a state of wudhu (purity). This is a recommended Sunnah, and not mandatory when reciting the Quran.

2. Starting with the Basmalah - beginning each surah by invoking the blessed name of Allah.

3. Reciting clearly, in a distinct tone (tarteel).

We hope this can help you as you take your first steps in building your relationship with the Quran. Small, consistent deeds are beloved to Allah, and by immersing yourself with the Quran and its meanings, you can grow closer to your Lord and transform your life.



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